Browsable Web Directories

Posted on 2023-06-21

This comprehensive remediation guide provides step-by-step instructions to address the Browsable Web Directories vulnerability on Windows IIS, nginx, and Apache2 servers. Learn how to disable directory browsing and implement access controls to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and mitigate the risk of information leakage.


The Browsable Web Directories vulnerability exposes your organization to the risk of unauthorized access and information leakage by inadvertently exposing directory listings on your web server. When directories are left in a "browsable" state, they allow unauthorized individuals to view and access files and directories, potentially leading to the disclosure of sensitive information and increased attack surface. This remediation guide provides detailed instructions to mitigate the Browsable Web Directories vulnerability on Windows IIS, nginx, and Apache2 servers, safeguarding the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

Remediation Guide

Windows IIS Server

Disabling Directory Browsing:
    a. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
    b. Navigate to the target website or application.
    c. In the Features View, double-click "Directory Browsing."
    d. In the Actions pane, click "Disable" to turn off directory browsing.

Implementing Access Controls:
    a. Set appropriate file and directory permissions to restrict access to sensitive information.
    b. Utilize authentication mechanisms, such as Windows authentication or forms-based authentication, to limit access to authorized users.

Nginx Server

Disabling Directory Browsing:
    a. Open the nginx configuration file using a text editor (e.g., nano, vi) located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf or /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf.
    b. Locate the "autoindex on;" directive and change it to "autoindex off;" to disable directory browsing.
    c. Save and close the configuration file.

Implementing Access Controls:
    a. Set appropriate file and directory permissions using the chmod command to restrict access to sensitive information.
    b. Utilize authentication mechanisms, such as HTTP Basic Authentication or token-based authentication, to limit access to authorized users.

Apache2 Server

Disabling Directory Browsing:
    a. Open the Apache2 configuration file using a text editor located at /etc/apache2/apache2.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
    b. Locate the "" directive for the target directory and remove or comment out the "Options Indexes" line to disable directory browsing.
    c. Save and close the configuration file.

Implementing Access Controls:
    a. Set appropriate file and directory permissions using the chmod command to restrict access to sensitive information.
    b. Utilize authentication mechanisms, such as .htaccess with HTTP Basic Authentication or mod_authnz_external, to limit access to authorized users.

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